
Pep Oliveras Escura


Educator, consultant and trainer in the use of ICT. I perform training workshops and courses for young people, adults and seniors, also groups at risk of social exclusion, associations and organizations. I consider myself an eternal learner, awake to find and discover new things. I have been e-facilitator for more than 10 years in different organizations. Codemob has been a great opportunity to learn and share methodologies about learning using mobile technologies. Nowadays young people use their mobiles for almost everything ... communicate, learn, organize their time, play, share. This can be a channel to connect their needs through their interest and motivations.The face-to-face international training helped a lot to forge and motivate trainers about how to implement innovate content. A really great experience very useful and motivating that I recommend.


Abel Camps


Computer and ICT teacher, I have been involved with telecentres since 2005 as a facilitator in a penitentiary centre therefore, I used to work with an adult audience.At 2009 I started to work in Joves Teb as a computer technician teacher with girls and boys from 15 to 21 years old.

I'm always searching better methods to reach the students comprehension and I saw in Codemob an opportunity to improve my classes.Being part of this training has been, indeed, one of my best experiences on the matter that concerned me, as said, improving methods of class giving.

I have already put in practice some of those things learned during this face-to-face training in Croatia.

Anna Inglés


Facilitator and media trainer. I work in a social organization in Barcelona and from there, with a group of people, we coordinate the e-facilitators technical office of Punt TIC Network (network of telecentres in Catalonia).

I have worked for more than eight years doing ICT training to people of different ages, sectors and levels.

CODEMOB is an opportunity to develop content and pedagogical work shared with other countries and their work dynamics. We have confirmed through the experiences and knowledge shared in the face to face traning  that doubts are similar in all cultures and backgrounds.

Bettina Csányi


Csányi Bettina vagyok. Ez évben végeztem az SZTE Egészségtudományi és Szociális Képzési Karának Védőnő szakirányán.

Évek óta lelkes önkéntese, kortárssegítője  vagyok a Domino Közhasznú Alapítvány csapatának.  Számtalan  program szervezésében és lebonyolításában vettem részt az évek során, amelynek témái igen változatos területeket érintettek, úgy mint egészségfejlesztés, drogprevenció, családok összetartásának segítése – szabadidős programok, túrák, előadások, beszámolók, kézműves foglalkozások, megváltozott képességű emberek és fogyatékkal élők megsegítése, női önbizalom erősítő tréningek, gyermek-  és ifjúsági táborok.  Jelenleg  olyan projekten dolgozunk, amely által a „nagyszülők és az unokák” kapcsolata erősödhetne.
Szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmet,arra  hogy a generációs különbség nem az elhatárolódást kellene, hogy jelentse, hanem azt, hogy hiányzik még egy híd, ami összeköti őket. A program keretében szeretnénk hiánypótló foglalkozásokat tartani, amely segíti a korosztályok egymáshoz történő közelítését. Első lépésként  a DOMINO Közhasznú Alapítvány és a Karolina Általános Iskola szervezésében "Mi soha nem lehetünk egyidősek? Akkor sem ha nagyon akarjuk?.." címmel népi játékokkal színesített családi kézműves foglalkozás valósult meg.

Későbbi terveink közé tartozik, hogy megvalósuljon olyan foglalkozássorozat, ahol az unokák segítik a nagyszülőket az infokommunikációs eszközök használatára, illetve, hogy a jelen témában már tapasztaltabb gyermekek tanítsák nagyszüleiket a praktikus internet és mobiltelefon, illetve egyéb új fajta kommunikációs eszközök használatára. Így a nagyszülők és a fiatalok is hasznos tudásra tehetnek szert, emellett sok-sok közös élménnyel, felejthetetlen pillanattal gazdagodhatnak a résztvevők.

Előzetes nemzetközi tapasztalatként 2016. áprilisában (Spanyolország, Benicassim) volt lehetőségem részt venni Erasmus+ tréningen, amely által betekintést nyerhettem a virtuális mobilitás lehetséges eszközeibe.

Jelen programban szívesen részt veszek, hisz ezáltal  gazdagodhatnak  a területen eddig szerzett  ismereteim, kapcsolódva Teleházakkal, a Közháló Alapítvánnyal, s egyéb – e téma iránt érdeklődő – szervezetekkel is.

Carmen Malya


I am Carmen Malya, a software and web developer - among many other things. And also, a social activist in a rural area. Our civil organization has been operating a Telehouse since 2000. First in the building of the railway station, then in a rural area of scattered farms "in the middle of nothing". During the years we have managed several projects - ECDL courses, language courses - and two years ago we participated in a project, which aimed to encourage young people to launch social enterprises. I welcomed the idea of teaching young people how to use their smartphones for other than phoning or surfing on facebook. And I am highly appreciate the idea of "demystifying" the coding and make it available for common people. Participants of the "codemob" project had the opportunity to learn how to do it and how to teach it in the wonderful Croatian resort Rovinj. For me it’s always inspiring to meet people with different background and culture and as I noticed it was the same for all of the participants.

Cécilia Icard


I’m working for Interface3.Namur an non-profit organization which has been working since 2004 to promote access for all to digital and employment.  Interface3.Namur bring IT professions under the spotlight, especially to women who are very few in the computer science field. The organization aims for more mixity in the IT sector.

I’m Educational Coordinator. Before I was trainor in IT initiation Programms mostly with jobs seekers and seniors. Now we are working with the team on school where we are propose animations to discover programming and coding.

My first interest in CodeMob was to be trained on Code and pedagogical tools. The second point is that we want to exchange resources and tools to develop news animation. We are interested to have exchange with European partners.

The CodeMob was a project, which provide me to be trained in Code. The biggest difficulties was my English level (especially to communicate). That was an incredible project to learn about code, learn about others people and learn about me. At this time, I am working on a transnational Project and I hope that we could create partnership thanks to the CodeMob exchange.

Danijel Borna Fiket


Danijel Borna Fiket has 15 years of experience in multimedia production and training, focusing on photography, audio, video production and web technologies. He is the author of internationally acclaimed feature length documentaries, producer of internet video channels and creator of multimedia training courses. He is the coordinator and the Head of Training and Education in Telecentar.

Working with young people / e-facilitator:

2010 -  Project “Perimetar” - Graphics School in Zagreb

2013 - Telecentre Multimedia Academy - Elementary school teachers

2014 - TRANS eScouts - students (Faculty of Teacher Education - Zagreb)

2015 - Generation 0101 - Training of trainers/ end users

2015 - European Youth News Exchange (Y-NEX) - end users

2016 - Youth e-perspectives on migration - Training of trainers / end users

2016 - CodeMob -  end users

2017 -  Multimedia Academy (Trešnjevka Cultural Centre)

David Berenguer Bonilla


At an early age I wanted to be an architect, and circumstances (Ah¡, damned circumstances ...) did not allow me to be. After 10 years as a manager of a multinational of the international logistics, I decided to jump the gap and I completely changed my life, having two beautiful babies, which certainly was the best I've made in my life, and from that point I started studying computers, and from that stage I made a new jump (again ...) to the social world.

Microcomputer systems technician, web designer, project manager and trainer in these two telecenter networks: Omnia and PuntTIC. Member of the board of the Federation of Social Entities Calabria 66, a civic space managed by the citizens. Skills in business and associations management.

Great expert in making “allioli”. And last but not least: although my mother in law do not believe me, I adore her.

I was interested in participating in Codemob because I am well aware of the need to promote digital skills, including the ability to code and understand the programming languages to the young people, and give them tools to face with the near future, where the knowledge of the new technologies will be essential. In addition, I think that Coding is also a tool to empower all citizens in today's society.

With regard Codemob, it was a great experience. As a participant, I had the opportunity to explore the new curriculum designed. The aim was to introduce two new topics in the programs of telecentres: Coding and the effective use of mobile devices in education. The first part of the course, the face to face training, was very successful due to the fact that it was created a perfect environment to learn and enjoy of the experience of being in a wonderful place together with very nice people. All persons involved (trainers and participants) shared our experience and ideas, which could be incorporated into the curriculum. The next step, the virtual training is currently being developed. The expected outcome of this project is not just a group of people formed, but a set of materials, tested and improved by experts, to be published and made available to the group of telecentre networks across Europe so that they can enter and improve digital skills of citizens.

Great job !

Delos Nicolas


Je suis coordinateur de formation (formation de vendeuses multimédia/Téléphonie et d’un module d’initiation à la programmation) et formateur informatique (principalement en bureautique) pour l’ASBL Interface3.

Faisant partie d’Interface3, je fais donc partie du réseau Télécentres.

Je forme des personnes à l’informatique et avec des outils informatique depuis 10 ans, des personnes âgées aux adolescents.

Mon intérêt de participer à Code Mob est de continuer à tester et découvrir différentes méthodologies, de continuer à découvrir la programmation (ce qui est un plus dans mon métier).

La formation international était très enrichissante, aussi bien pour la découverte de javascript que des différentes méthodes d’apprentissage par l’utilisation du mobile. Le contact avec les autres nationalités ouvre l’esprit sur différentes méthodes.

Emília Kósa


I am Emilia Kosa from Hungary. I studied information & library science and worked at Institute of Informatics, University of Szeged between 2006-2011 as a librarian. I lived for 2 years in England and tried myself in the hospitality. After that, I work at Institute of Informatics in Szeged again.

Next to my proper job, I work as a volunteer for different community networks and foundations. My principle is to find the bridge between the new and old generation and also between the nature and the digital life. I think, we always learn from everyone, the old people could have more experience and be a mentor; the youngsters could have brilliant ideas and enthusiasm. Because I work at Informatics, I exactly know the digital life is always in change. What we learn today as a new software or application, it could be the past few months later. Sometimes it is not easy to follow these dynamic developments, but if we would like to understand the youngsters, we have to try it.

My goal is to help the young people to find their place in the world, live their dreams meanwhile use the mobile devices and coding.

The international training was a positive surprise for me. Different people from different place, but the purpose is same: improve ourselves to offer the best. And when different cultures meet together then we have some experience about our thinking is same, our creativity is limitless. So I am absolutely grateful to be there.

“The knowledge is power.”

-- F. Bacon --