
Gábor Betyár




Én egy nem éppen sztereotípikus programozó, informatikus vagyok, akit csak a kódolás érdekel. A munkám egyben a hobbim (sok egyéb más mellett…) is, ezért vállalkozóként webfejlesztéssel foglalkozok, továbbá különböző technikai újdonságokkal ismerkedek.

Így kerültem kapcsolatba a CodeMobbal is, hiszen az okostelefonos képzés végfelhasználói tananyagát én írtam. A helyi Teleházat több éve segítem szakmai tudásommal (adatbázis készítés, webfejlesztés, oktatás, tananyagírás, képzés előkészítés, project megvalósítás). Sokat tanultam a nemzetközi csapattagoktól Rovinjban, így például egészen más, sokkal hatékonyabb metodikával tudok immáron oktatni is.

A fő motivációm, hogy a frontális oktatási módszertantól hatékonyabb oktatási típusokat ismerhessek meg. Szerettem volna bepillantást nyerni, más országok képviselőinek (e-facilitátorok) nézőpontjaiba, hogy azok mennyiben egyeznek vagy éppen különböznek a sajátoméhoz képest. A diákok a kódolás alapjaival, illetves a hatékony, biztonságos okostelefon használattal bővíthetik tudásukat. A Teleházas képzéseken és az egyetemi (SZTE-TTI) oktatáson tapasztaltak egy részét sikeresen átültettem a “face-to-face” képzésre.

Remélem hamarosan újra lehetőség nyílik a találkozásra (talán Barcelonában? J) az e-facilitátorokkal, ahol megoszthatjuk az elmúlt időben a             projekt kapcsán szerzett tapasztalatokat.

Julie Moors


I am Julie Moors, trainer and training coordinator at Interface3.

Interface3 offers 11 long vocational trainings leading to qualification in IT jobs in which women are under-represented (Network Manager, Web application Developer, Game Developer, etc.). As a member of Telecentre Europe, we are used to work with other telecentres on different European projects.

I have developed the coding curriculum for end-users.

The objective of this course is to allow the unemployed young people to understand the fundamental principles of programming and motivate them to follow more advanced training that will allow them to use their skills in a professional context.

This curriculum was experimented during the face-to-face training, in Croatia. A great experience in a beautiful place: the best way to learn and share ideas, good practices and methodologiesTaking part in such a project is challenging and, even if is a lot of work (and time), it is humanly and professionally rich. And this matters! 

María Jesús Lobato Cucurull.


Hi, my name is María Jesús and I come from Spain, exactly of a small village of Cantabria, Santoña. Cantabria is a region of the North of Spain. My village is a peninsula, the sea is part of our lives. A lot of people work in activities around the sea (fishing, fishing industry …), and this work is no so much technical, but it's a seasonal job and very hard.

I’m working in Telecentre for more than twelve years. The Telecentre of Santoña is part of Cantabria Si, a telecentres’ network. My day to day is teaching and helping to use everything about Internet, mobile, tablets and everything about ICT. In summer I work with young people to teache the beginning of technical skill (word, power-point …) the thing that they need to make homework to the school.

When I read about Codemob I thing that Santoña’s guys can participate and learn a lot because in Santoña is a very important group of guys that stop studying so early, and they don’t have enough skills to get a job. Then it was a reason that make me to collaborate an d participate with that project, to increase training and digital, personal and technical skills for the young people of Santoña.

The face-to-face international training was very interesting and so rich, because the experiences of the group are interesting to apply of my day-to-       day work.

Ognjen Andrić


Ognjen Andric has 15 years of project management experience in the fields of web development, content management, social media, system integration and use of IT in promotion, education and accessibility. In 2001, he co-authored the “Talking Linux for the Blind”, the first GPL Linux distribution for the blind and visually impaired in Europe, which was developed with a supporting system of e-facilitation and an embedded online web-based tool for collaboration between e-facilitators and end users. In 1986, he co-authored “Croatia Reservation Online” – an online tourist destination promotion and reservation system. 

Petra Bilić Križan


Petra Bilić Križan finished Master degree of Design at Faculty of Architecture, University of Za-

greb. in 2001. Theme of final work was ” Touch – signalization for visual handicap person”.


Characteristics of PBK design is multidisciplinary approach and high social sensibility in find-

ing solutions.


During time and for market demands PBK also worked in other areas of design: graphic, web

and interior design. PBK has paralel business carrer where, one where she design for clients

inside Designcafe studio, and second, individual carrer where she design concept products as

independed designer.


She won several design prizes in Croatian and international design competitions and exhibit at

diferent design exhibitions. PBK is also active in public appearence in form of organisations of

design events, workshops, fairs and design similar projects that are educational and useful for

local community.

Quentin Garchi


Thanks to Interface3, I had the chance to complete their team in the codemob experience. As a media trainer, I am working in a telecenter called "Atelier du web" since 2010, in Brussels. Our telecenter is located in the artistic neighborhood of the town, where all kind of people are meeting and mixing. Our policies are to make a different approach in the digital inclusion by giving shorts and thematics workshops that aims the very needs of our publics. From the very basic knowledge to website development passing by graphic design on most platforms.

CODEMOB has been a fantastic experience. First, because it was a unique opportunity to meet international colleagues, where the sharing aspect has been more productive than what I thought. Then, because of what this wonderful platform brought and will bring to us: and endless support and inspiration for creative workshops. On the personnal aspect, I have to admit that the use of mobile device in education has never been in my mind, so it was the perfect introduction and opportunity to develop workshop's ideas in this amaising location. Rovinj and the croatian team that have welcomed us, fully managed to put us in the best atmosphere possible to fulfill our missions. Thank you; I look forward to work together soon. It was a great job !

Žarko Čižmar


I work at Telecentar in Zagreb as an executive director, but I also play the roles of a project manager, researcher and trainer in our multimedia academy. I have participated in 10 EU funded projects related to human resource development. I am co-author of occupational standards, vocational standards and curriculum for the vocational programme of media technicians and university programme for multimedia designers. I was an editor in chief of 3 vocational textbooks: Photography, Sound and Video and co-author of the survey Media literacy in Croatia.